With the support of the MCC organization, the ICF “Step with Hope” is expanding its psychosocial assistance program, which includes massage therapy at aid centers throughout the city and region.
Massage is not just a pleasant procedure; it is a vital part of rehabilitation. Stress, constant nervous tension, and emotional strain lead to muscle tightness, making a person feel as if they are a wound-up spring. Even with psychological support, it is not always possible to fully relax.
That is why, in our aid centers, we combine psychosocial support with massage therapy. Each session is not only about physical comfort but also about caring for a person’s emotional state. The volunteers who provide this service are skilled not only at relieving muscle tension but also at being attentive to the person’s emotions, helping them feel calm and balanced.
When we help someone restore their health and well-being, they truly feel supported. And that opens the way to the heart.